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September 2, 2021

Western Germany is lacking in daycare spaces, while the eastern federal states are suffering from a shortage of daycare staff, according to a new report by the Bertelsmann Foundation. 

Great Opportunity for Childcare Workers as Germany’s childcare system lacks staff

Study forecasts a gloomy future for daycare in Germany 

The report predicts a difficult future for daycare centres in Germany, especially as the findings forecast a shortfall of qualified educators and daycare staff in the coming years. The gloomy prediction detailed how more than 230.000 extra highly-skilled workers would be needed to meet the demand for childcare by 2030. This means that more workers would need to be trained than is possible in the nine years before 2030. 

Problems in the daycare industry are also split across regions. While eastern Germany in particular stands to suffer from a staff shortfall, western Germany has too few places available for children under the age of three. The issues for both sides of the country could be resolved with more qualified educators to expand daycare capacity and provide a better staff-to-child ratio. 

Organisations calling on the government to resolve issues

The Education and Science Union have asked the government to introduce national minimum standards for the daycare industry. They hope that this could help the staff-to-child ratio become better across the country.

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The German Children’s Fund has also called on the government to improve the quality of childcare for children in Germany. The Bertelsmann Foundation’s study found that the best way to increase the quality of education is to retain qualified workers for longer, and train new workers ready to support the next generation of children

Another way is for allowing migrants from third world countries like India specialized in child care to come and work in Germany.

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May 25, 2021

The minimum wage policies and legislation of a country play a critical role in protecting workers and also help correct income imbalances caused by rapid globalisation in not only economic markets but also labour markets, smoothing the adjustment process. Labour laws and reforms aim to reduce existing inequality and attempt to redistribute income, especially to the low-paid workers in the labour market, so at least their minimum survival needs are met. In this regard, India’s minimum wage legislation has been envisaged as an effective way to tackle poverty and inequality. In most developing countries such as India, the minimum wage system is a subject of endless debate. Because of its complex structure, it often faces criticism from all sides: social, political and legal. While multiple issues plague the Indian minimum wage system, the core of the problem lies in the complications associated with the criteria for setting the minimum wage and its associated processes. The Indian economy is growing at a phenomenal rate, with a projected growth in gross domestic product (GDP) of 7.4 per cent in 2018 and 7.8 per cent in 2019 (IMF 2018). India has been termed the fastest growing economy in the world, and its development plans have spurred positive sentiments in the global market (Economic Times 2018). Despite this very high rate of growth, multiple challenges remain in protecting workers—particularly in the large informal sector—and in providing them with a minimum wage. This can be attributed to the loopholes in the existing minimum wage policies and legislation and to implementation difficulties. Yet another crucial problem faced while setting minimum wages is determining their optimal level. Minimum wages can be ineffective if they are set too low, and there is a risk of inflation and unemployment if set too high, the brunt of which is faced by workers in the informal sector, since social protection is practically non-existent (Dawn 2017). Furthermore, there are administrative issues such as delays in the revision of rates and ensuring compliance. Non-compliance happens more in rural areas than urban ones and affects the informal sector more than the formal sector. In addition, there is a higher probability of women being paid less than men (ILO 2016), even though Article 39(d) of the Constitution of India guarantees equal wages and equal treatment. Thus, although it may be perceived that the minimum wage is an effective instrument, it has failed to be effective in practice. India was among the first of the Asian countries to enact minimum wage legislation, soon after its independence. The informal sector in India has benefited from the legislation to some extent, but numerous challenges and hurdles in determining levels, enforcement, implementation and coverage have emerged due to its convoluted structure. The mechanism for setting and implementing the level of the minimum wage in India has been hotly debated since its inception. India follows a dual system: while minimum wages are set at the national level (central sphere), all states have the autonomy to set their own minimum wages according to their own costs of living and job markets. This often results in confusion about prevailing minimum wage rates and the same type of work represented by different classifications, with a high chance of different wage rates applying Visa Services in Delhi simultaneously for the same work. This has resulted in India having one of the most complex minimum wage systems in the world, with more than 1700 prevailing rates. The rates are also set as piece rates, hourly rates and monthly rates and are decided at national, regional and sector levels. However, in truth, there is no such thing as a national minimum wage that can be considered an official benchmark—something that has been persistently demanded by national trade unions. Furthermore, even though the International Labour Organization (ILO) has established a set of eight guidelines for establishing a minimum wage, India only follows one: inflation and/or cost of living index/economic situation and/or level of development. The law mandates the revision of minimum wage rates every two years, but since they are set by different authorities at different points in time, the entire process of establishing rates and implementing them lacks clear standards, resulting in confusion for both workers and employers. Discussions about the long-overdue reform of India’s labour market policies have been circulating regarding a better system for determining and implementing the level of the minimum wage, to ensure that the most vulnerable workers are protected and basic social security is made available to them. Reforms are necessary to improve labour conditions and coverage levels. Employers will also have clarity about the minimum wage rates to be paid to workers. There is wide consensus among stakeholders, policymakers, employers, trade unions and academics that the 34 current system is flawed and that there is a pressing need for improvement. Though the implementation of the minimum wage—with all its limitations— has definitely expanded the scope of decent working conditions, which has especially helped low-paid workers, it has also posed severe challenges, including the difficulty in balancing processes across all three levels of government and guaranteeing suitable compliance, in line with ILO guidelines and in the face of labor market distortions. Collective bargaining has also not been effective and has not been explored to its fullest in India, though wherever collective bargaining exists, the prevailing minimum wage rate is considered the starting point. Aiming to reform labour laws in general and specifically the wage system, the Government of India has made a proposal by introducing the Code on Wages Bill (2017) and opening the subject to public debate. This bill proposes to empower the central government to set uniform wages for all sectors nationwide (PIB 2017). With the implementation of this law, the issues hampering the ideal implementation of minimum wages are expected to be resolved, and its benefits are expected to cover a large part of the working population. The new bill is also expected to play a crucial part in reducing the obscurities in wage rates and to aid compliance, without affecting workers’ income levels and social security. This is one of the first significant initiatives undertaken by the Indian government to merge the existing, different labor laws related to wages (Payment of Wages Act of 1936, the Minimum Wages Act of 1949, the Payment of Bonus Act of 1965, and the Equal Remuneration Act of 1976) into one single code. This move is expected to not only considerably improve the ease of doing business but also ensure a universal minimum wage for all workers. This historical change in legislation, when implemented, is expected to help over 40 million workers (Press Trust of India 2018) across different sectors. Once the proposal is enacted into law, the country will have a statutory national minimum wage rate, and it will ensure that state governments are not able to set their minimum wage levels below the national minimum wage established for that region. This new minimum wage will be valid for all classes of workers. In the current system, the law covers only workers in ‘scheduled’ industries or establishments. In addition to changes in legislation, the government aims to increase financial inclusion through multiple e-governance initiatives such as delivering payments through digital or electronic means, along with extending wage and social security coverage for workers. It also intends to ensure compliance through the use of analytics. To address non-payment and incorrect payment of the minimum wage, as well as the procedural hurdles currently Photo: Adam Cohn. Workers in a clothing factory, Mumbai, India, 2015. While multiple issues plague the Indian minimum wage system, the core of the problem lies in the complications associated with the criteria for setting the minimum wage and its associated processes.

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May 25, 2021

With rising healthcare costs in the US and the rise of health tourism destinations that offer quality and affordable healthcare perked up by a beautiful travel experience, Americans are scampering to book appointments with healthcare providers far away from home. Yearly, millions of patients travel from countries lacking healthcare infrastructure or less advanced in a particular area of medical care to countries that provide highly-specialized medical care.
This has birthed a robust global medical tourism market that was worth over $37 billion in 2019. Patients book flight trips to countries for various medical procedures ranging from cosmetic surgery, dental work, to orthopedic procedures at affordable rates. For the health tourism destinations and healthcare providers, the competition is fierce, requiring an interplay of factors to drive medical travel and improve their brand in the medical tourism market.

According to the Medical Tourism Index, which assesses the attractiveness of countries for medical travel, a country’s economy and public image, healthcare costs, and quality of care are the major factors that drive medical tourism growth in a destination.

Using these metrics, here are the top 10 medical tourism destinations in the world.


Canada’s rank as number one in the 2020 edition of the Medical Tourism Index comes as no surprise as the second-largest country in the world boasts of a robust tourism industry that attracts more than 14 million Americans each year. Its proximity to the US affords the country a massive influx of tourists and patients who seek to bypass the long wait times and high healthcare costs at home.

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Canada ranks high in its reputation for offering quality and highly-specialized medical treatments and top-of-the-line healthcare facilities. This has, however, created long waitlists for major medical services in the country, which has also set off a rise in outbound medical tourism in the country.


Singapore comes second-place in the Medical Tourism Index, hitting top spot in ranking for the quality of healthcare facilities and services in the country. As of 2019, more than 500,000 foreign tourists visited Singapore for its affordable and quality healthcare services.

Singapore recently set up International Patient Service Centers (IPSCs) that act as medical travel agencies to mediate between international patients and Singaporean healthcare providers.

Gleneagles Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Singapore, offering excellent medical services with state-of-the-art facilities and well-trained specialists.

Seeking health care in Singapore saves a patient 25% to 40% of what they would have spent on the same service sin the United States. For example, heart bypass surgery costs $140,000 in the US and $25,000 in Singapore. A hip replacement surgery which costs over $45,000 in the US can be done for about $13,000 in Singapore.


Japan ranks as one of the most developed healthcare systems in the world, by every measure. Leading recent advances in technology and medicine, Japan continues to deliver top-notch healthcare services to citizens and foreign tourists, most of which come from mainland China.

According to the country’s Foreign Ministry, the number of medical visas issued to international patients jumped from 70 in 2011 to 1,650 in 2018, with medical visitors attracted to the country’s top-line cancer treatment centers and expertise in cosmetic surgery.

Low cost of care is also a major driver of Japan’s inbound medical travel. Hip replacement surgeries that cost $30,000 in the US are done at $4,126 in Japan, saving more than 70% of treatment cost in the US.


Spain is known as one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world, with a tourist profile that pulls tens of millions of tourists every year. The country is ranked high by the MTI as the choice medical tourist destination in Europe as it offers foreign patients excellent healthcare services with a beautiful travel experience.

Spain attracts a growing number of international tourists from the Middle East, North Africa, and the BritishIsles, many of who visit the country for advanced orthopedic, cosmetic, and dental procedures.

Spain offers quality healthcare services at a fraction of the cost in US and UK hospitals. Cosmetic procedures such as face lift and breast augmentation that cost as much as $15,000 in the US cost an average of $5,000 in Spain.

Spain boasts of several hospitals that are accredited by the Joint Commission International, including the renowned Hospital Universitario de Madrid and Sanitas Hospitales in Madrid.


The UK ranks fifth in the global ranking of medical tourism destinations by the MTI. The UK is home to renowned medical institutions including the London Orthopedic Clinic, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, and the Cambridge Complex Orthopedic Trauma Center, known for top-quality healthcare services.

The UK is also a choice tourist destination center, welcoming more than 31 million international tourists every year, many of whom are attracted to the rich cultural heritage of the Great Britain.

Cost is also a key factor thatdrives millions of international patients to the UK. For instance, a knee replacement surgery, which costs over $30,000 in the United States, is done at less than $20,000 in UK hospitals.


Dubai is known for its ultramodern architecture, high-rise buildings, and luxury shopping. Dubai, with a population of more than 9.4 million welcomes more than 10 million tourists every year. The congenial environment and beauty of Dubai gives a boost to travel experience for millions of international patients that arrive Dubai for world-class care.

The Medical Tourism Index ranked Dubai the top medical destination in the Arab region, as it boasts of world-class hospitals and international doctors across several specialties. Dubai welcomes medical tourists mainly from Asia and neighboring Arab and Gulf countries, and some trips from European and African nations.

Dubai launched the Dubai Health Experience (DHX) in2018 to boost its medical tourism brand by strengthening its healthcare facilities and boosting patient experience through international patient departments.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica is fast rising as a leader in the medical tourism market. Known for its beautiful sights and competitive prices, Costa Rica welcomes millions of medical tourists from neighboring countries including the US and Canada

This Central American country has ranked high in dentistry and cosmetic surgery – above Canada and US – consistently in the last few years. The country is also building a name in the fields of eye surgery, cancer therapy, and bariatric surgery.

The CheTica Ranch located in San Jose provides exotic recovery retreats for medical travelers for patients who relish recovery in a relaxing ambiance. This ranch is also staffed with highly-trained nurses to cater to the medical needs of these patients as they recover.

Cost of healthcare services in Costa Rica is 45% to 65% lower than in the US, saving patients a lot of money.


‍The global Medical Tourism Indexranks Israel as the 8th top medical tourism destination in theworld, citing the large pool of tourists that visit the Dead Sea and themassive drift of medical tourists seeking IVF and other fertility treatments inthe country.

Israel ranked high in internationalreputation, patient experience, quality of healthcare, and accreditation ofhealthcare facilities in the MTI.

The renowned Sheba Medical Center,which is known for its excellence in complex surgical procedures, launched an international medical tourism division that offers medical services to thousands of international patients from around the world including Russia, Cyprus, Georgia, and the US.

Abu Dhabi

The capital city and the largest emirate in the United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi, has built a strong medical tourism platform that can see it emerge the best in the region.

The emirate launched the Abu Dhabi Medical Tourism e-portal in 2019 that provides international patients with details of all the medical offerings and healthcare facilities in the city. Prospective patients can also access medical tourism insurance packages as well as other tourist services such as hotel bookings, transportation, and recreational activities via the e-portal.

Healthcare facilities in Abu Dhabi comply with strict quality rules set by the city’s Department of Health, ensuring they deliver nothing short of top-quality care.

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Besides enjoying the scenic views and the beautiful tourist attraction sites in Abu Dhabi, patients visiting the region will also enjoy affordable rates for medical services. For instance, a prostate surgery, which costs $10,618 in the US, costs about $7,896in Abu Dhabi.


India is one of the major players in the Asian medical tourism industry, ranking first in the medical tourism dimension of the MTI. India is one of the most visited countries for health care, with an expanded visa policy that eases travel for medical tourists. The medical visa policy allows patients to stay up to 60 days and also offers a medical attendant visa for blood relatives that wish toaccompany the patient. The Indian government launched a medical tourism portal to provide patients with access to their network of healthcare facilities and a list of medical services available in the country. This allows patients schedule appointments with healthcare providers and even book for other services including accommodation and recreational activities before their arrival.

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May 7, 2021

Ever dreamed of living in Europe?

Many of us have.


However, Europe’s stereotypically high tax rates have turned many successful entrepreneurs and investors away from the idea in search of zero-tax countries in the Caribbean, Middle East, or the Pacific Ocean.

Here’s the deal: while living in Europe and paying zero income tax is a rare feat, it is possible for almost anyone to live in Europe full-time and pay low taxes on their income… even if they’re not a millionaire.

I’m not talking about living like a digital nomad. Sure, it’s possible to spend three months in the summer living in Europe, then spending another few months further south in a country like Serbia. So long as you don’t establish tax ties in any one country, your only concern is making sure you aren’t on the hook for taxes in your home country.

However, as I increasingly work with seven- and eight-figure business owners, one recurring theme I hear is the desire for a home. For many successful people, dragging a suitcase around the world just isn’t their thing. They want a (nearly) full-time home AND the benefits of minimal taxation.

That’s where low tax countries come in.

The good news is that you don’t have to move to the Bahamas or Dubai to enjoy low tax countries rates so long as you’re able to invest some of your money in Europe. While some countries like France will always be off-limits to those seeking excellent tax planning, We’ve made a list of nearly a dozen European countries with favorable tax rates.

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Nestled into the mountainside, this medieval village shows the beauty of the Andorran countryside.

Pressure from the European Union caused Andorra to implement its first ever income tax in 2015, but Andorra still remains a low tax haven conveniently nestled between high-tax Spain and France.

Long known as a destination for duty-free shopping, Andorra is an idyllic mountainous country that also happens to offer residence permits to investors and business owners. Fortunately, Andorra has positioned itself to attract those of more average means than other low tax countries like Monaco.

Andorra is perfect for those with capital gains or generational wealth; it has no wealth tax, no gift tax, no inheritance tax and the only capital gains tax is assessed on most sales of Andorra real estate.

The only tax is an income tax, of which a generous 24,000 euros is exempt, and the top rate of 10% takes effect at the 40,000 euro level.

Unless you’re well-noted in your field, there are two ways to qualify for residence: make an investment or start a company. Either way, you’ll need to pledge to spend 90 days per year living in Andorra, rent or own a property, maintain a bond, and maintain health insurance; many residents are exempt from the already low tax rates depending on how their income is earned.

To start a company, you will need to present your CV and a business plan, as well as deposit a 50,000 euro bond for a single applicant. This route requires far less upfront capital but you do need to actually run a business, which means living in Andorra should be part of your overall corporate and tax planning. If you prefer to be a passive resident, you may invest 400,000 euros in Andorra, which can include an investment in real estate.


Bulgaria offers Eastern European city charm, plenty of beach resorts on the Black Sea… and a flat 10% tax rate with no minimum.

At a flat 10%, Bulgaria has the European Union’s lowest personal income tax rates. Corporate income tax rates are the same flat rate of 10% (tied with Cyprus), and Bulgaria maintains tax treaties with many countries that could allow for special tax treatment for some international entrepreneurs.

Basically, Bulgaria’s tax system is simple: live there and pay 10%. You can become a fiscal resident by living in Bulgaria for at least 183 days in a year, or by convincing the tax office that Bulgaria is your “center of life”. While merely staying in the country is often easier, the “center of life” test gives you more flexibility and involves a number of factors.

Eastern Europe is one of the world’s most underrated places for living in my opinion, although out of the Balkan countries I would personally prefer living in Serbia or Romania. That said, Bulgaria has the advantage of being a rather open place to operate, with bank accounts being easy to open and a substantial low-tax offshore company industry attracting plenty of entrepreneurs and capital.


Despite being a top tourist destination in Europe, Prague has one of the cheapest costs of living in central Europe.

The Czech Republic is often ignored as a low tax jurisdiction despite the fact that it has streamlined both personal and corporate income tax rate to reasonable levels. Considering that Prague is one of the most cooed-over cities in Europe, the idea of living in the Czech Republic is worth considering.

As a low-tax residency, the Czech Republic (or Czechia, as they prefer) is best suited for European Union citizens. That’s because self-employed Europeans can not only avail themselves of Czechia’s 15% flat tax rate but may also apply a lump sum tax deduction in lieu of actual expenses. For most business owners, the lump sum can reduce the flat tax by 40% or 60%, leaving an effective tax rate of 6% or 9% on self-employed entrepreneurs.

Like Portugal and other European Union countries, real tax planning is required if you choose to live in Czechia. For one thing, you will need to rent or own an actual home; the good news is that the cost of living in Prague is surprisingly low given how popular the city is for tourists and digital nomads.


Georgia has a diverse tourism landscape. For instance, Mtskheta, Georgia is home to a UNESCO world heritage site.

While Georgia may not be in the center of Europe, its position in the Caucasus places it squarely between eastern Europe and Asia. Fun fact: Georgia also happens to be the only European country with a largely territorial tax system, meaning properly structured foreign source income is not taxed in most circumstances.

For non-US citizens, it is easy to create an international structure and pay zero tax on profits while being a legal resident of Georgia. It is also possible to maintain a part-time home base in Georgia without incurring tax obligations. You can even become tax resident without living in Georgia if you can prove wealth or high income.

While Georgia’s capital of Tbilisi is not Paris, Georgia is one of the safest countries in the world and a favorite of ours here at Nomad Capitalist. The cost of living is extremely low, and activities like smoking and gambling are extremely cheap compared to the highly over-regulated European Union.


Gibraltar offers residence visas to wealthy investors willing to pay an annual flat tax.

Gibraltar has long been a popular tax residence for British citizens, but Gibraltar’s benefits as a low-tax residence are available to anyone. Nestled at the southern tip of Spain, Gibraltar is a British Overseas Territory and not a sovereign country, but is able to set its own tax policies.

There are two ways to become resident in Gibraltar: start a company or demonstrate a high net worth. As is usually the case with these programs, it is easier for entrepreneurs to qualify by forming a company but proving wealth is easier in the long run.

The High Executive Possessing Specialist Skills method, or HEPSS, allows entrepreneurs with Gibraltar companies to pay a maximum tax on their salary. You must earn more than £120,000 per year, but will only be taxed on £120,000. That essentially translates to a flat tax of £29,940, although you must also consider any Gibraltar corporate tax. You will need to own or lease a home in Gibraltar.

The Category 2 visa program is also appealing but requires a £2 million – roughly $2.5 million – net worth to qualify. There are few requirements besides proving this level of wealth; the main requirement is to purchase or lease a “qualifying” home.

Other than that, you may not carry out almost any business within the territory of Gibraltar. You will pay a minimum annual tax of £22,000, and a maximum annual tax of £28,360 based on Gibraltar’s oddly progressive-but-then-regressive income tax rates ranging from 10% to 29%.


Malta allows foreign citizens to pay an annual flat fee and exempt their foreign income from Malta tax

Malta is one of only four countries on this list that are part of the Schengen Area, and one of only three that are also part of the European Union. Malta has developed some of the EU’s most tax-friendly programs for both individual residents and corporations, with corporate tax rates as low as 5% possible for non-resident companies.

Malta has long had a flat-fee residence program available, but as I have discussed in the recent post the newer Global Residence Program has become the second residency of choice. Unlike Andorra and Monaco, Malta does not require any physical presence on its two Mediterranean islands, meaning you can establish residency but not live there at all. Furthermore, they have prided themselves on reducing bureaucracy and even allowing residents to include domestic staff on their applications (similar to Malaysia’s MM2H program).

Maltese residents are not subject to tax in Malta on foreign sourced income that is kept outside of the country. What’s more, they are not subject to tax on foreign capital gains even if those gains are sent to a Malta bank account. Other income, including pensions, can be taxed once at a flat 15% thanks to Malta’s tax treaty network.

The cost of maintaining the residence in Malta is a flat 15,000 euro “minimum tax” payable each year. With proper planning, this should also be the maximum tax. It is also possible to obtain a tax residence certificate.


Monaco eliminated income taxes entirely in 1869, making it the only sovereign zero-tax jurisdiction in Europe.

While Monaco is not a full member of the European Union, it is a de facto participant in the borderless Schengen Area, offering excellent mobility. Monaco’s exclusivity and proximity to France and the rest of Europe make it a more serious tax residency than some tiny island in the middle of the ocean.

According to the tiny principality, it is not a tax haven. It does allow foreigners to establish residence in Monaco merely by proving their wealth. Doing this generally requires a 500,000 euro bank deposit and purchase (or in some cases, rental) of a property there.

Seeing that parking spaces can often sell for up to 1 million euros, residence in Monaco is reserved for the wealthiest entrepreneurs and investors. It’s also reserved for those actually willing to live there; you must spend three months per year for the first nine years, at which point you can obtain what is effectively permanent residence but requires 183 days of stay per year.

If you’re interested in getting a residency or second passport in Monaco, we have just published our Ultimate Guide where you can get all the details.


Montenegro has low corporate taxes and is one of the least expensive countries in Europe to start a company.

Montenegro boasts the lowest headline personal income tax and corporate income tax rates in Europe, both pegged at a flat 9%.

Like many of its western Balkan neighbors, Montenegro has sought to attract business to its small country – population: 620,000 – by lowering tax rates. While almost all of eastern Europe offers rather reasonable tax rates in the teens, Montenegro offers the lowest tax rates and the benefit of a country you might actually want to live in.

Locals know Montenegro as Crna Gora, meaning “black mountain”, but the Italian name stuck and gives the country an air of sexiness by sounding similar to Monaco. Personally, I believe it is a completely stunning place to visit during the summer season, which is why I purchased my beach house for holiday getaway right there, where I relax, do some writing and enjoy the sunsets and Mediterranean cuisine.

Montenegro’s government seems to have played to that notion, inviting foreign investors to develop luxury resorts on its pristine coastline in a bid to be the jewel of the Adriatic Sea. It was enough to attract me to buy a home in Montenegro.

Montenegro allows foreigners who buy residential property to obtain a temporary residence card, renewable yearly. If you spend fewer than 183 days in Montenegro, you will generally not be taxed. If you live in Montenegro the majority of the time, you will become tax resident and be liable to pay the flat 9% rate on your income.

While Montenegro isn’t a zero-tax country for full-time residents, it is a very attractive home base primarily for Europeans seeking a legitimate low-tax residency to appease their home government.


Even though Portugal is a high tax country, foreigners can take advantage of a ten-year Non-Habitual Resident Tax exemption that exempts up to 100% of their income from Portuguese tax.

Most people don’t associate Portugal with low tax countries.

In most cases, they’re right; Portugal is hardly a tax rate favorable place for the average resident. However, foreigners can take advantage of a ten-year Non-Habitual Resident Tax exemption that exempts up to 100% of their income from Portuguese tax.

While this exemption doesn’t allow you to live in Portugal tax-free forever, it is long enough to allow you to claim Portugal citizenship if you meet the rather lenient physical stay requirements.

The first step to living in Portugal is to obtain Portugal residency; this can be done by purchasing real estate through the well-known Golden Visa program, but can be done more easily by hiring people or by merely proving you have rental income overseas.

There is a catch, though: the most tax-optimized structures won’t qualify for Portugal’s tax exemption. Income from blacklisted tax countries is not subject to exemption, meaning your offshore company in the BVI or Hong Kong won’t work. Substantial tax planning is needed to ensure that all of your business and passive income is structured to eliminate taxes while you live in Portugal.


Switzerland was one of the first countries to allow wealthy taxpayers to negotiate a flat annual tax with its cantons

There is no doubt that Switzerland has become less friendly both for immigration and banking in recent years. That said, it is still one of the safest and most respected countries in the world with a location at the heart of Europe. Swiss residency offers an air of legitimacy that many other low-tax residencies can’t match. Foreigners have two residency options to choose from.

The first is to form a new company in Switzerland and hire local employees. This company will pay corporate income tax based on which canton (region) it is incorporated in, and you as the manager will pay Swiss income tax.

The more common and lower tax method to living in Switzerland is the Lump Sum Taxation method, also known as “taxation according to expenditure”. Under this method, a family may move to Switzerland and pay a flat annual tax based on their cost of living rather than their actual income. This has often been described as negotiating a flat tax, and each canton has their own policies.

Generally speaking, expect to pay at least $150,000 and up to $1 million in flat tax each year depending on which canton you want to live in. You will also not be able to legally reside in Zurich. If your income exceeds $1 million each year, maintaining your home and tax residency in Switzerland would give you a moderate tax rate. If your income is in the millions, Switzerland could reduce your tax rate below 10%. While Switzerland is hardly a cheap place to live, it has one of the highest standards of living in the world.


Low angle view of the key London landmark Big Ben in the early morning sun.

The UKis far from a tax haven, but there are certain exemptions from the rule when it comes to tax rates, which you can take advantage of if you’re a wealthy entrepreneur.

Like Portugal, the United Kingdom isn’t exactly a haven in terms of low tax countries for all… but it is for a select group of wealthy individuals. By exploiting the difference between domicile and residence, certain foreign citizens can live in London and pay an annual flat tax.

This “non-dom” system has been popularized thanks to Middle Eastern and Russian billionaires who take up residence in the United Kingdom yet claim they are not running their businesses from Kensington. Because their income is a foreign source, it is eligible to be taxed on a remittance basis; keep the income out of the UK and it is not taxed.

Obtaining residency in Britain requires a substantial investment, but for the right person, the tax benefits outweigh the initial costs. Claiming non-dom tax benefits may be free for up to six years, after which the remittance basis charge is anywhere from £30,000 to £90,000 depending on how long you’ve been a resident.

Tax residence in the UK is a highly complicated topic and always worth discussing at length with a tax professional before claiming any benefits, particularly as some non-dom benefits must be claimed in advance.

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