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April 24, 2021

As the coronavirus outbreak continues its relentless spread, the impact of the pandemic is being felt across the globe. We are facing a critical time of fear and uncertainty individually and in our communities.

COVID-19 is affecting us all to varying degrees – physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically.  

You may notice an increase in some of the following feelings:

  • feeling stressed and anxious
  • fearing that normal aches and pains might be the virus
  • excessively checking for symptoms, in yourself, or others
  • becoming irritable more easily
  • feeling insecure or unsettled
  • having trouble sleeping
  • feeling helpless or a lack of control
  • having irrational thoughts

While this is naturally a worrying time, there are many things we can do to mind our mental health and boost our immunity and well-being at this time. Being proactive about how you handle this crisis can help to keep both your mind and body stronger. I hope you will find the following tips helpful and reassuring as you navigate your way through this time of global crisis. 

10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health And Wellbeing During Covid-19

1. Recognize  What You Can Control

While many of the things that surround this crisis are outside of your control, you can still focus on those things that are within your control. Hand washing, staying at home, limiting unnecessary travel and contact with others are steps we can all take to decrease our personal risk and protect others.   If you’re a cancer patient, currently undergoing treatment, you are in a high-risk group because cancer treatment compromises your immune system. That said, the reality of life as a cancer patient has probably prepared you for this moment better than most.  As breast cancer survivor, Diane Mapes, wrote in a recent Fred Hutch [5] article, “For the immunocompromised and those with disease, social distancing and uncertainty are a way of life.”

2. Focus on The Facts

In a world of 24/7 rolling news and social media updates, it’s easy to get drawn into speculation and hype.   “It’s ok to be scared,” says breast cancer survivor, Karen Murray (@MurrayKaren),  “but don’t let fear take hold.” Rumors, myths and falsehoods can take on a life of their own if we let them, but as patient advocate, Nancy Stordahl[6] reminds us, “calmness is contagious too.”   

Keeping a realistic perspective of the situation based on facts is important at this time. Avoid media outlets that build hype or dwell on things that can’t be controlled. Stick to respected sources of information on the coronavirus and how to handle it. 

3. Limit Your Exposure To The News

The constant stream of social media updates and news reports about coronavirus could cause you to feel extremely stressed. If the constant drip feed of live news and social media is making you  anxious,  limit your exposure to news outlets.  I’m not suggesting you totally  ignore important news  updates – it’s essential to keep yourself informed. But you can reduce your anxiety by reducing the amount of time you expose yourself to the news.  Limit your media consumption to a certain amount of time each day. According to WHO, minimizing the amount of news you watch can be beneficial in helping people keep calm and positive.  The organization also suggests we “find opportunities to amplify positive and hopeful stories and positive images of local people who have experienced Covid-19.”

4. Practice Good Self-Care 

It’s important to pay attention to your self-care needs, especially during times of stress. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding excessive alcohol and stimulants, getting plenty of sleep, practising relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation, and  taking daily exercise are key ways to stay physically and psychologically  healthy during stressful times

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself at this time..

5. Keep Active

Build regular exercise into your day. There’s an abundance of scientific evidence showing how important fitness is for mental health: so during this very stressful time, it’s even more important.  The closure of gyms at this time doesn’t of course mean you can’t keep fit. Going for a walk or hike (if you  aren’t self-quarantined) watching a workout video online, practicing yoga or walking up and down stairs in your home are all ways to keep active and fit

6. Eat to Beat Stress

Mix and match from these 29 foods each day to boost your body’s stress busting powers.

  • Vitamin C fruits and veggies
  • Green and red peppers, potatoes, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage, onions
  • Vitamin E foods
  • Dry roasted sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, safflower oil, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables
  • Polyphenolic foods
  • Chocolate, tea, coffee
  • Complex carbohydrate foods
  • Barley, rye, oats, whole wheat
  • Omega 3 foods
  • Walnuts, ground flax seeds, fatty fish, chia seeds, canola oil

7.  Stick To A Daily Routine

Your daily routine may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak in different ways. But according to WHO, people should try to stick to their daily routines as much as possible.  “Ensure that you create a realistic and helpful daily routine and structure to your day, and stick to it “Have regular times for getting up and going to bed as well as meal times.”

For those of us who are working from home maintaining a routine can be challenging.  The temptation to sit in pajamas all day is real. Try to  stick to a working routine as much as possible – this includes structuring  your day with regular breaks (try working in 45-60 minute chunks of focused work followed by a short break),  minimizing distractions,  stopping for lunch, getting some fresh air, avoiding staying in the same position for prolonged periods  of time and keeping hydrated.  

8. Stay Connected

While “social distancing,” is hypothesized to flatten the curve of the contagion,it’s not without costs. Research shows that social support is vital for our mental and physical health. According to WHO, individuals in isolation are one group that may feel the impact on their mental health the most.  To combat the loneliness of self-isolation, the organization advises people  to “stay connected and maintain your social networks”. 

Maintaining strong connections will help you to feel supported, but since face-to-face in-person support is limited we need to find other ways to connect and receive support

9.  Find Creative Distractions

Doing something creative can help improve your mood when you feel anxious or low. Creative activities can also increase your confidence and make you feel happier. This is because creative hobbies often completely absorb your attention, helping you to temporarily forget negative thoughts

10. Practice Kindness and Self-Compassion

You’ll be worried, anxious or fearful at times. That’s a natural response to what’s happening, Accept those feelings compassionately. See if there’s anything to learn from them. Then shift your attention. Focus on what you’re grateful for. Walk. Ride your bike. Write. Dance. Calm and center yourself with meditation, deep breathing, knitting – whatever soothes you. Then support others. Spread a contagion of joy, love and kindness! That’s what will get us through this turbulent time.”

This Too Shall Pass

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